来源: 冷冻食品网 发布者:编辑德国威迈格机械设备公司拥有超过75年的食品工业用真空灌装机及其配套设备的生产经验。过去的30年里我们始终致力在中国市场为您开拓业务,今后我们将更加不遗余力地发扬这个传统。
从 2012 年 7 月 1 日起我们已可以在新成立的上海分公司内亲自为您效劳。多功能的产品展示厅、完善的零备件仓库以及设施先进的培训中心恭候您的光临。在这里您能享受到本公司资深团队提供的个性化技术咨询、最创新灵活的服务项目以及直接及时的零备件供应。
70多年来,VEMAG Maschinenbau GmbH始终在为食品行业工业企业及小型生产商开发和制造机器及设备。在此期间,公司已经在国内外食品生产商行业内赢得极高的声誉。
>..卓越的客户服务 - 从产品开发到调试,以及从员工培训到系统维护
高效的解决方案涵盖所有用户的生产能力 - 从小型生产商到大型工业化加工企业,以及从灌装或分份过程、成型和切割应用、面团和混合物的分离,直接连接到创新的分份到包装解决方案。威迈格食品机械贸易(上海)有限公司是德国威迈格在中国的全资子公司,致力于服务国内优秀的食品企业!
VEMAG Maschinenbau GmbH has been developing and manufacturing machines and equipment for the food industry and artisan producers for over 70 years. During this period, the company has gained a strong reputation among food producers both at home and abroad. From humble beginnings in the post-war years, the company has grown to become one of the major developers of continuous vacuum fillers. The original focus on traditional artisan tools quickly spread to industrial applications, allowing the company to keep pace with increasing demand in the food production sector and the growing size of businesses.
In recent years, VEMAG has sought to emphasise further the system-specific character of its solutions, i.e. the integration of complex processing steps into the filling and portioning process.
The concept is to establish a modular system comprising standard fillers and tailored attachments that can be flexibly adapted to specific user requirements.This allows efficient solutions covering production capacity for all users—from artisan producers to large companies—as well as applications ranging from the filling or portioning process, shaping and grinding applications, the splitting of dough and mixes, through to innovative Portion-to-Pack solutions.
Following the divestment of the VEMAG Anlagenbau arm of the company, VEMAG Maschinenbau GmbH can now concentrate on developing and manufacturing machines and system components. The company is headed by managing directors Dr. Niclas Rathmann (Chairman), Sven Köhler and Ralf Preuß, and employs some 600 staff. The company operates around the world and achieves an export ratio of approx. 80%.
Room 504, SUEP National University Science Park, No.2588 Changyang Road, Shanghai, China (200090)
上海市杨浦区长阳路2588号电力学院大学科技园504室 (200090)
Tel: +86-21-6878 5886
Fax: +86-21-6878 5896
Cel: +86-159 0060 2707
E-mail: lisa.hu@vemag.cn
Http: www.vemag.cn